Projection Photography

Here the optical image that the telescope's optics deliver is further magnified by the use of a magnifying lens. In most cases an eyepiece is used for this purpose. (therefore the name) What follows is a collection of pictures of the planet jupiter during the impact of the comet in 1994. In this case the film was replaced with a video camera as a detector. 

WFS D. Hartmann

45cm Newton + Canon color-CCD Ex1 Hi, original, 32 frames averaged 

WFS D. Hartmann

45cm Newton + Canon color-CCD Ex1 Hi, processed, 32 frames averaged, 31x31 unsharp mask, contrast strech, 3x3-Blur, Gam0.8. 

WFS D. Hartmann

Same as last, only enlarged

The comet spots were recorded with average seeing. This is an example taken at a time of good seeing (April 1992)

WFS D. Hartmann

45cm Newton + Canon color-CCD Ex1 Hi, processed, 32 frames averaged, 31x31 unsharp mask, contrast strech.

Many thanks to D. Hartmann, the author of the above pictures for making them available here.
You can contact him at :

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